BC Hydro held a Virtual Community Information Webinar on December 2nd for our area regarding their plans for the Lajoie Dam. Parts of the dam are nearing the end of their life and they shared their plans. This is the link to the presentation: BC Hydro Lajoie Lake Improvement Project
As you will see there are 4 alternatives that they are considering and they had a Truescape Demo as part of the presentation. This part of the presentation was very good as it showed what the 4 alternatives would look like if each was implemented. They will try to get some of the Truescape images onto the Website and I will share them once they do.
They also had a question and answer session at the end and many questions were asked and responded to.
I have been working with BC Hydro to have these local information sessions and was very impressed with presentation and looking forward to more in the future.
Stay safe and be well.
As the Goldbridge Community club president should we the executive be concerned about the impact to our golf course with the extra traffic the upgrade will bring.
Susan James.
Hi Susan,
It would seem to me that whatever alternative they choose other than BC Hydro doing nothing that it will impact the Gold Bridge Community Club. I would suggest that you communicate with Sabrina so they here your concerns now and incorporate it into their plans. I know I mentioned that Minto Communication’s was looking at upgrading their services as they are running out of Bandwidth and their crew camp would need internet. The Project Manager had not thought about it and now is putting in a Communication’s category into their plans. I see the same thing with the Gold Bridge Community Club being out into their plans also. If you wish I can start that conversation via email and cc you on it. Would you like me to do that?
Yes Sal that would be great,I can see it somehow impacting the property especially the access road going through to the power house.